Testimonials from Respiro Opera Young Artists:
““Respiro really encourages community. It’s been a great way to build confidence. The faculty is awesome. The ratio of faculty to participants is wonderful. You are exposed to a new way to think about things. You see everything through a new lens with new perspective.” ”
““Respiro will give participants a new found confidence through their breathing and body, which will translate into more relaxed, even singing. It will change the way they sing forever.””
““I LOVED starting most classes with yoga! I felt a huge difference in my body in terms of flexibility posture, breathing, etc., which was a perfect precursor for all the other classes.” ”
““The coaches were wonderful. I really loved everything about the program. Every teacher’s information went along beautifully with things we learned with other coaches so the messages were completely cohesive and I was never confused. I really came out of the program feeling vocally free.” ”
“ “I equally loved Jan’s and Eleanor’s classes and how much they complemented each other and were on the same page. It felt like a reinforcement of similar ideas rather than receiving tons of new information.””
““I feel like what I learned at Respiro filled in the gaps I had in my understanding of my instrument. Nobody ever really talked to me about how to support and breathing before. Getting in touch with my body is something that’s been really hard for me, and Respiro helped me do that. I’m excited to continue working on what I have begin to discover. Thanks so much for the amazing experience!””
““The pacing was great! I felt that adequate time was given to each step of preparation of the pieces before moving on to musicality, expression, blocking, etc. I really liked the intensive coaching schedule. It allowed me to make a lot of progress and receive a lot of great feedback in a short period of time. Starting with the ice breakers was a brilliant decision. It loosened us up and created a non-judgmental atmosphere that would characterize the rest of the program, distinguishing Respiro from other opera scenes programs I’ve done.””
““The one thing I love most about Respiro is the size of the group. To be able to work for 90 minute sessions with some of NY’s most knowledgeable music insiders is not an experience most YAPs and summer programs can offer. Getting to know all of our mentors on a more personal level was a big plus. We learned so much from each other and were able to get to know each other well. I really enjoyed singing for Ken Benson, he was thorough and kind and helped us all out.””
”Free the breath and the body and the voice!!! Any old program can give you a “role on a resume” but it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a program that’s sole objective is improving your instrument.” ”
““The strengths of the program were small class size with lovely colleagues, lack of competitiveness, and appropriate repertoire selections without comparing between singers. What impacted me most was in listening to my body, breath and grounding myself.
I wish Respiro could be a month long!””
““I love the juxtaposition of the two pieces because it allowed me to add new technique to an old piece. I’ve always found it difficult to work on old repertoire, but I feel Respiro helped me figure out how to enjoy old repertoire and breathe new life into it.””
““I would tell them that the program is what every singer needs to experience. The faculty is extraordinary and the experiences, tools, classes, and lessons that are provided are extremely life changing. It is amazing how you will be able to improve your voice, body and breath in just over a week!””